Beta Version 1.0 by Bill Cameron & D.M. Gorski with contributions from the devotees of alt.binaries.clip-art... Nov 10,1999 - - --For the full-featured HTML version of this FAQ with working links---- This FAQ will be posted to the alt.binaries.clip-art newsgroup weekly, and should be reviewed on a regular basis. Changes can & will be made as necessary. Comments & questions can be directed to or

Most recent revision... May 21, 2004 by Ron Cavin & D.M. Gorski


The alt.binaries.clip-art FAQ

Welcome to alt.binaries.clip-art, one of the most intriguing & "free flowing" usenet newsgroups you're likely to find. There is as much graphical talent & technical expertise as anywhere on usenet, but like any neighborhood, it has it's own "rules of the road" If you take the time to learn them it will make your stay much more enjoyable for you & everyone else. Like getting into a hot bath, you should acclimate yourself slowly, speak little, listen much, and after a bit you might be surprised to discover you've found a home...

Standard Disclaimer... these are guidelines NOT commandments. Usenet is basically anarchic in structure & other than the vox populi there is little anyone can do if you don't follow the advice offered here. But bear in mind the reasons you are most likely here are, A.) You need a piece of clip-art or, B.) You wish to share your artwork/scans with the rest of the group. Either way, ignoring the suggestions here will make it considerably harder to accomplish either objective.

One note, if you spend a great deal of time here you will notice a lot of what you might consider, off-topic, personal "chit-chat"(thank-yous, b'day wishes, etc). Some people find this disturbing & feel it is a waste of bandwidth. The majority opinion of the group is quite the contrary. We think that common courtesy & a certain level of familiarity engenders a true sense of community. This is the reason that the birthday list is maintained & that many members have made their pictures available so we can put faces to their posts. If you wish to join in feel free to do so, simply ask on the group who maintains which list. If you find the practice so repugnant that it negatively affects your blood pressure, perhaps this isn't a place for you to roost.

Q: What is Rule #1?

A: Lurk, watch, read the FAQ, and learn before jumping in. If you are new here, this will require a certain amount of restraint. Just relax, sit back, and pay attention. The guidelines are for the benefit of all. Most of all, you MUST learn to BE PATIENT! The point is that, if you don't follow the FAQ & exercise a modicum of common sense, no one has to be patient with you.

Q: What is Rule #2

A: Spam kills. Simple as that. If you advertise, "get-rich-quick" schemes (this includes pyramid schemes, multi-level marketing, or affiliate programs, etc,), porn sites, chain letters, etc, etc, there will be a flurry of emails arriving, very shortly thereafter, in the abuse/tech support/postmaster mailbox of your ISP or posting host. *NO* warning will be issued.

Q: What is Rule #3

A: If you consistently post off-topic or inappropriate material you will be warned. If you persist, your ISP *will* be notified by one or several people. This can result in either a warning from your provider, or summary termination of your internet access.

Q1: Is there an archive for alt.binaries.clip-art?

A: There is no formal archive, as such. Most of the regulars will refer you to They maintain a public newsserver that retains most binary postings for at least 2 weeks. An up & coming entity that provides much the same service can be found at... There is also a subscription service at... You can view thumbnails for most usenet binary groups there however in order to download anything, you must be a paid member. It's advisable to utilize one of these resources before asking for a repost.

Q2: Isn't distribution of copyrighted artwork illegal?

A: If you want legal advice on this subject, you will have to get it on your own as it is beyond the scope of this document. Likewise discussions of this topic, on the newsgroup, are discouraged. *This* particular deceased equine has been flogged beyond all recognition, leave it rest in peace.

Q3. Can I use the artwork posted here for any purpose?

A: All of the works posted here are original creations, or reproductions of originals. It is only common courtesy to ask permission of the original poster/scanner to find out if they can be reused & to what purpose. There is a list of the proprietary scanner ID codes, compiled & maintained by Roadstar, that many of the more prolific scanners use, elsewhere in the FAQ. Very often it will tell you who originally scanned the image. If you don't ask & get busted for copyright infringement don't come crying back to the group that "I saw it posted here so I thought it was free" That won't convince a judge and it won't fly here. Some, but not all of the regulars will indicate the their posts are for "personal use only". This DOES NOT mean you can put it on your personal web page, or otherwise place it on public display unless you obtain permission. In all cases, "caveat emptor" should apply. Ask first so you aren't sorry later.

Q4. Can I rename, resize, or otherwise change the graphics I get from the group?

A: What you do with the artwork once you download it is your affair. If you *REPOST* those altered graphics you will very possibly (at least the *first* time) be gently reminded that such things are frowned upon. If you persist, you will be flamed, killfiled, and if it's an original illustration, you open yourself up to legal action. If you are doing so for a personal web page, or someplace else that they will be available for the public to view, it is only right that you should contact the original source. If you don't then you deserve whatever happens to you.

Q5: What is a "flame"

A: "Flame" is internet shorthand for "inflammatory comment" It encompasses, but isn't limited to, personal attacks, racial/religious/sexist slurs, and unnecessarily vulgar language. Usually, flames build from frustration, and often the person who touches things off is the first to apologize.

Q6: What is a "Troll"

A: A "troll" is a person who enjoys disrupting newsgroups by intentionally flaming members or posting deliberately off-topic material. The best strategy is to ignore such a person, killfile them if necessary, and go on about looking for or posting clip-art. It may take a couple of days but they *will* be dealt with. If you'd like to find out how to properly complain to a trolls ISP, ask one of the regulars, or the complaint you send could possibly turn around & bite you.

Q7: I screwed up & I've been flamed. What do I do about it?

A: Take a deep breath, learn from your mistake, and don't take it personally. Shooting off your mouth only compounds your error and illustrates in clear detail how lame you really are instead of merely inexperienced. This can be a rough and busy neighborhood, don't expect to have your hand held. Additionally, you will find that, just as in "real" life, good manners will take you a long way. Many times a simple "I'm sorry" will serve to diffuse an embarrassing situation.

Q8: But what if I'm right?

A: Then take it private. Starting a flame war in the group is a lose-lose situation. If you don't have an email address from the person you disagree with ask for one. If they won't give it to you, just let it go.

Q9: Why do so many people have fake addresses?

A: Actually there are a couple of reasons. Some people prefer not to reveal their actual email address in the interests of privacy. Many will "mung" or disguise their email addy in order to confuse "harvestbots" who prowl usenet looking for addresses to add to spam lists. This makes it possible for a human to decipher the address but not the harvestbot. A couple of examples would be "coolerBear at att dot net" or "".

Q10: What are all these meaningless combinations of letters I see in the articles?

A: They are a form of Internet Shorthand. Some common ones are:
ISP- Internet Service Provider
TOS/AUP- Terms of Service/Acceptable Use Policy
TIA - thanks in advance.
Plz - please
Thx - thanks
<G> - grin
<BG> - big grin
<EG> - evil grin,
<VBG> -very big grin
RTFM - Read The F**king Manual
BBIAB= be back in a bit
ESAD - Eat S**t And Die
WTMKF - Welcome To My Kill File
PLONK! - Person Leaving Our Newsgroup: Killfiled (you have been kill filed)
LART - Luser Attitude Readjustment Tool
PITA - Pain In The A**
KUTGW - Keep Up The Good Work
BTW - By The Way
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
LMAO - Laughing My A** Off
ROTFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A** Off
[snip] - portions of the original message to which I'm replying, and which are unrelated to my reply, have been deleted.
Note: a great many more internet anagrams as well as a comprehensive "smiley" or "emoticon" guide can be found at...

Q11: What can I post in a.b.c-a?

A: It is deliberately beyond the scope of this FAQ to define what is or is not "clip art" but some common sense is expected of posters. If posting clips containing nudity, the subject header should reveal it to the rest of the group. This group is frequented by aficionados of all ages & by popular assent, artwork that is patently "adults only", racially, ethnically, or religiously, offensive will definitely get you at least flamed, if not set off a flurry of emails to your ISP. If you are lucky, requests for the same will only be ignored, if you aren't so lucky be certain to be wearing flame retardant underwear

Q12: Can I start posting as soon as I read this FAQ and learn how my newsreader works?

A: Well you CAN, but you should probably ease into it. Most people, when they begin, do not have a great deal of stuff to post. Perhaps the best thing to do is respond to requests (REQ) from others if you have things they are asking for. The idea is not to show everyone how much you can post, but to post useful things. With technology being what it is, many people have ISDN, DSL or cable modems (some even have access to T1s or better) and can literally flood the group with posts. All this does is decrease the amount of time the posts stay on the servers, so fewer people get them and more repost requests are generated. If you have a high-speed connection be conscious of the fact that many people here do not, and shorter expire times get everyone agitated. Start SLOWLY. Most of the more prolific posters have a self-imposed limit of 10 to 12 megabytes per day. Remember also that in some areas, people may be paying by the minute for their online time, so thumbnail indexes are encouraged if you're posting more than 10-12 items, so others can preview what you're offering without having to download every item sight unseen. If you are not sure something will be welcomed, wait awhile. We know that many are anxious to contribute, to pay back the group for what they have been able to give you. If you are patient, you will eventually see everything you wanted and more. And you will learn what is needed and what is not. And NEVER post for the first time without first posting to a test group to ensure that your settings are adjusted correctly. If you screw up, you may be flamed, and rightfully so for wasting bandwidth with a useless binary. Even most long-time regular contributors post to a test group, (alt.test, alt.binaries.test), first whenever they upgrade their newsreader.

Q13: How long should I wait to post a repost request?

A: Repost requests for a single item should be made privately. If there is an entire series of posts your server missed you should wait DAYS, not hours. Anything LESS than a MINIMUM of 3 days will be ignored or flamed by most experienced posters. No one owes you anything! The random nature of NNTP propagation means that messages may come in days after they were originally sent. Posting requested files before they have a chance to expire from servers only places redundant files on the servers and drives up expiry rates. Bear in mind that requesting a repost should be used only as a last resort. Places like ( &, ( are available for you to check for articles you or your server may have missed

Q14: Can I ask for technical help?

A: You can but be prepared for a multitude of answers or just as possibly none. This is a binaries group devoted to the exchange of clip art, not a group for software assistance. Depending on the prevailing mood you may get a succinct answer that tells you everything you need to know, just as possibly your request may be roundly ignored, especially if it is answered somewhere in this FAQ

Q15: Should I worry about being embarrassed for asking a newbie question?

A: No. So long as you have read this FAQ and done your best to RTFM, most folks are willing to answer questions not covered here or in your PC, newsreader, or graphics help files. Everyone here was a newbie once. If you receive a facetious answer, ignore it. Most regulars in this group are genuinely interested in helping others. Not every answer can be put into a FAQ, only the most frequently asked questions are intended to be here. However, if you fail to read your newsreader documentation or this FAQ carefully, and you ask a question answered in those places, you will get heated responses. In all cases... RTFM!!!

Q16: Is it okay to request that files be sent directly to me by email?

A: NO. Think about this one for a minute. Is your e-mailbox even large enough to hold all the responses you might get ? If not, it will be returned to the sender, taking him/her just as long to get it back from you as it took to send it. Why should anyone do this anyway? It would be much better for them to post it in the group, where everyone can enjoy it. It is considered foolish and marks you as a lamer even to ASK for files by e-mail. The exception being, a repost request. It is perfectly acceptable to privately ask the original poster for an email reply in order to save space on the group.

Q17: All I see is Text when I try to view a picture... What's wrong?

Occasionally, due to file size or misconfigured posting software, a graphic will appear in several parts, (e.g. File01.jpg 0/1, File01.jpg 0/2, File01.jpg 0/3 etc etc) This is what's called a "multi-part post" & must be decoded & reassembled in order for you to view it.

In Outlook Express... make certain the parts are in order, highlight them all & then on the top toolbar hit "combine & decode" (You will find it under the "Message" drop-down menu)

In Netscape... highlight the parts (order is irrelevant), on the top toolbar go to, "File"--> "Save As"--> (Pick your directory) Select "All Files" from the drop-down menu--> Name the file "File01.uue". It will save as a zip type file than can be viewed or extracted like any common WinZip archive.

In FreeAgent/Agent the parts are automatically combined so no special process is required.

Another reason you may see only text is that the poster may be using a relatively recent binary compression method known as "yEnc" (short for "yEncoding"), which is not yet handled by some newsreaders. However, because it is a public domain standard rapidly growing in popularity, there are many newsreaders and stand-alone applications that have adopted it. Ask in the group and you will no doubt receive several recommendations as to the best way to view these files. Additional info is available online at... Tutorials and a decoder can be found at...

Q18: How do I decompress .zip files?

A: Get WinZip. The file you will get is a self-extracting archive. Setup is a snap. After downloading a .zip file, just double-click on it. Easy. Get Pkzip for DOS Some people prefer to work with the DOS version. If you take the time to learn it, it can be more flexible. See the ZIP FAQ elsewhere for more detailed information.

Q19: How do I decode these .rar, .r01, .r02, etc. files?

A: Get RAR (or more specifically, its companion program, unrar) or WinRAR. The procedure and commands are much the same as for ARJs. An example might be: [unrar x -v -y msoffice.rar d:\temp]. if there is no .rar file, use the lowest numbered extension. Also, remember that unrar.exe must be in your PATH or present in the directory...

Q20: I can't read the entire subject line. What should I do?

A: There are several ways to solve this problem if you are using Agent. First, make sure that Agent is displaying the headers as a full screen, not the multi-pane default view (just click on the maximize window icon). Second, reduce the size of the browser font [options | display preferences]. Third, make sure that the browser font is not bold. Finally, if you still can't read the entire subject line, just click the send-follow-up-message icon. You can read the entire line and scroll if necessary. Then, just click the close window box. If you are using another newsreader, refer to its documentation. And don't be part of the problem when you post. Try to keep your headers under 55 characters.


Q21: What is the proper way to request?

A: ONCE per day, per newsgroup. Multiple requests (i.e. one right after the other, sometimes called a "billboard" or "vertical spam") are rude and will be ignored or flamed by the most experienced readers. This is very important! In extreme cases you may be added to their kill filter which screens out all future messages from you. As far as they are concerned you will simply disappear. This is unfortunate as they are the ones most likely to be able to provide the art you need. The generally accepted format is "REQ: [Subject] [Format] [Message]". The more information you put in your request the more greater the odds that someone can fill it for you. Remember, however, most newsbrowsers only display 55 header characters, anything more than that requires an extra step to view & often it's just easier to delete/skip your post, so additional descriptions should be included in the body of your request. Also, once your request is filled, especially if some kind soul creates an original specifically for you, take the time to say "thank you", either on the group or via email. In many cases, they are using software that would have cost you hundreds, if not thousands, of $$$. Not to mention the value of their time & talent. It means a lot to the people who post & they *will* remember it when/if you make a request in the future.

Q22: What is the proper way to post?

A: [Subject] [Format] [File NAME] is ideal. If you are reposting a graphic a (r) or (Repost) tag should be included. As mentioned elsewhere, most regulars have a self-imposed limit of posts per day, totaling around 10-12 megabytes.

Indexes, Contact sheets, or Thumbnails are preferred for large collections of clips, (read as anything over 10 posts on the same subject, or if the file is over 500K). Bear in mind that many people who frequent a.b.c-a have to pay by the minute for their access time, so indexes will be greatly appreciated. If you are including multiple attachments in a single post, the number/type of files should be indicated. Compressed files, (.zip,.rar, etc.), are perfectly acceptable when the file format will benefit from compression. You should, however, limit the NUMBER of files in each zip to ONE. Put the NAME and FILE SIZE of what you are posting in the subject line, unless you are filling a request. Also, it is only common courtesy to indicate the original source of the piece(s) you are posting, if known. That way if the original poster/scanner/creator is still around, they can tell you if it's been altered in any way.

As an additional note posting in "plain text" is always preferable. If you post in HTML you will lose a significant portion of your audience since their newsreaders interpret HTML as plain text. HTML posts are also a favorite tool of spammers and can include malicious code (dialer redirects, links to spyware, etc.) so many experienced usenet citizens killfile HTML posters as a matter of course

Q23: Why a posting "limit"?

A: The answer to this one is two fold. First, many people on usenet do not have access to high speed connections. In some cases they are required to pay by the minute, or by bandwidth used, for their online time. Unrestrained floods of material make it virtually impossible, or prohibitively expensive for them to download thousands of headers, much less view what is actually *in* the posts.

The second reason is one of practicality. Despite appearances, Usenet is a finite resource. There is only so much bandwidth to go around. Excessively large floods of binaries will cause earlier articles to "spool off" prematurely, reducing server retention time & causing a hardship for those who cannot be online daily (or even hourly)

Q24: Why do some people seem to get faster responses to their requests, more comments on their posts, etc.)?

A: You have to understand that longevity has it's privileges. In many cases it's simply a matter of "quid pro quo". Some of the regulars have been here for years, have exchanged a great deal of clip-art, and know each other both on the net & off. It may not, in your eyes be fair, but it is the way things are. If you don't like it the easy answer is to move on. No one is holding a cyber gun to your head & forcing you to stay.

Q25: Should I signify how desperate/urgently/badly I want a piece of clip art?

A: No. "Bunny Art needed or I will DIE!!!!!" will totally discredit you. No one died from clip art deficiency. If you need it that badly, then go out and buy a clip art CD. Similarly, requests that beg, plead, threaten, or say "I will eat/stuff/screw (fill in the blank) for XX artwork", are the mark of a lamer and are generally ignored or flamed.

Q26: iS it KewL tO Use fuNky TyPE or symbols in mY SubjECt liNES?

A: Not even close to cool. It is difficult to read and widely regarded as immature. An example of a particularly poor header, someone once blessed us with: "[| Ñ33D Å ½ ; M0oñ Þ|‹]", read; (I need a ½ moon pic). You are much more likely to get a response using standard type. The exception, of course, is those who use a different keyboard set.


A: NO. It is the Internet equivalent of SHOUTING. Use it sparingly.

Q28: I have asked and asked, but no one has uploaded my REQ. What gives?

A: It could be any one, or all, of several reasons. Perhaps no one has what you asked for. Perhaps no one understood your request. If I requested clip art of a "bubbler" & unless you lived in Milwaukee, there's an excellent chance you wouldn't have a clue what I was talking about. Perhaps, before you got smart enough to read and follow these guidelines, you pissed everybody off and they kill filtered you. Perhaps nobody feels like uploading anything right now. This is Usenet, not real life. There is no "refund desk" or complaint department. No one gets paid to do this. If these facts are too hard for you to comprehend, find another hobby. Learn to live with these little disappointments. We really don't want to hear it.

Q29: The Internet is a total anarchy, right? So is it okay to use racial slurs and say/post anything I want?

A: NO. This group is devoted to clip art. Not race, politics, religion, sexual preferences, etc. Just clip art. Period. End of discussion. Subject closed. Take it somewhere else.

Q30: Is it OK for me to advertise in the group?

A:The short answer is no. Advertising is generally looked upon as "spamming" and will be reported by one or several people to your ISP. *IF* you have a personal website & the material there is germane to clip art *AND* you don't advertise excessively, usually no one will mind. URLs listed in "sig" lines, as long as they are on topic, are fine. If you post Chain letters, MLMs, Get-Rich-Quick schemes, & off-topic commercial advertising, no warnings will be issued, & it *WILL* get your account killed.

Q31: I got a "virus alert" emailed to me. Is it ok to warn the rest of the group?

A: Bear in mind most of the virus alert warnings that you receive via email are hoaxes. Some of them have been around, in one form or another for years. If, after checking one or more of the following URLs (,,, you still feel that it's a legitimate warning then please bring it to everyones attention. Realize, however, if it does turn out to be a known hoax you will be apprised of this fact.

Q32: Will I get a better response if I cross-post my REQ to all of the clip art groups at once?

A: NO. Experienced usenet readers do not like excessive cross-posts (ECP) and such posts can be detected by some of the cancelbots, so they will be eliminated and not reach any audience at all. Additionally ECP is in violation of the TOS or AUP of many ISPs & even without outside complaints can get your account terminated. Something else to keep in mind is that people, when replying to a cross post, will all too often not see the multiple group listing and *their* answer will *also* be multiposted. This can be a tremendous source of confusion in all the groups involved, not to mention a waste of usenet resources. In extreme cases cross posting can ever touch off a "flame war" between newsgroups, when one side or the other misinterprets partial responses long after the original issue has been settled.

Q33: Do I have to follow all of these rules?

A: NO. No one owns the Internet and no rules are mandatory. However, newsgroups are based on voluntary association. If you don't like the folks here, simply leave. If they don't like you, you will be ignored/killfiled/terminated. If, however, you are an intelligent and reasonable person who wants to get the most benefit out of the time spent here, you would be well advised to stay within the yellow lines, play nice with the other children, & pick up your toys before you leave. And by all means, BE PATIENT! (see Rule#1)

If you are here to collect or exchange clip art, demonstrate your artistic talent, or just glean some information on graphics this is definitely the place to be. A.B.C-A is a real rarity on usenet, a newsgroup that works. This is because of a group of generous & caring regular users who feel a.b.c.-a is their "home" on the internet. If you'd like to move into your own room here, we'd be more than happy to have you.