Beta Version 1.0 by Bill Cameron & D.M. Gorski with contributions from the devotees of alt.binaries.clip-art 1999 - - --For the full-featured HTML version of this FAQ with working links-- A PDF version can be downloaded at the same location


UBSL (Universal Binary Scanner List) as of 3/31/01


This list was created and is maintained by RoadStar. It is used by permission. Any additions, corrections, or questions should be sent to...

ID Scanner Groups/Website
$ Sunfr8r abpa
??? Casper abpeap
??? Cyclotron abpfsf, abd
??? Demon
??? Diane abca
??? Jens Peter abpa, abpfa
??? Laura M abpa, abpfa
??? Loralah abpfsf, abd
??? Lynsey abpca
??? mac abca
??? Merlin abpca
??? Morgan abpca
??? Sapphrina abpfsf, abd
??? Scott Michael Decker
??? Shandrell abpfsf, abd
0uro 0uroboroS
7c9 Grunt Belly abpfsf, abd
aba abadonn abpfsf, abd
al Xaya all
am dziubas all
áM, SS, § á Maverik (SunSweet) abpca, abca
Ara Majipoor abpfsf, abd
Avalon Avalon abpfsf
bg Bang abpeap
bh BevH abca
bs granny abca
c itieu all
C3 CIII abpfsf, abd
cl super mom abca
cr Cameo all
ct CycloTron all
DBS David Bowles abpfsf
DD D.Dawson abpfsf, abd
dh DEH abca
DPh Dalcya all
ds dragonslayer abpfsf, abd
DS Ouriel all
dt Deetol abpca
dy dayfyd abpfsf, abd
e Eppie abpeap
eb twomilesout abca
ec Elon abpca
edz PhrEddie abpca
ES Ervlord abpfsf, abd
f- fishkillr abpeap
f_ fafnir abpfsf, abd
fp Just Frank! abca
fss muskrat abca
GCat GraceCat abca, abd
gem Gem
get rgetto (Ron) all
gg Greedy Gutts all
gh gordon (haney) abca
gm glenM abpfsf, abd
gn, ,jg Gun Nut all
gz Smegal all
hs harli abca
iej giraffe abca
ja SunFlower abca
ji ingalls abca
jjp dragon99 abpfsf, abd
jmj Jo abpa
jt Joolz all
jw jer (jer) abpfsf, abd
kd, k&g Katrina all
krull, kfv Krull abpfsf, abd
KsW, ksw Seph all
lcb klattu all
lj GemDragon all
LK Louis abca
lor Loralah abca, abfsf
lpy Lappoy all
LR LadyRayvn abca
m Maaddog all
M5 Mustang5 abca
me Merlin abca
mf michelia_figo abca
mo Mary O abca
mw Tasker abpca
ns nomad abpfsf, abd
o Ollie all
oz Oz Sailor abca
p Charles Perrien all
pal, p Palantir abpfsf, abd
pb woodlark all
pl Pam abpca
pmb Pmbster abpfsf, abd
pp Phont abpca
pps pepescan abpfsf, abd
R,r Buck all
rel Releanna abpfsf, abd
rg Rusty Gutts all
rm reaperman abpfsf, abd
RS Roadstar all
s peanut abpfsf, abd
sb Shirley abca
sb Sketchbook abpeap
sc sunnyc abd
scc Susan abpca
sj Richardson all
sk Skye abpeap
slo gramma abca
sms HappyNSmileing abca, abpca
so Sedat all
ss Smogg abpfsf, abd
sw Steve Will abca
t Tdrinker abpeap
tf Tuulia J. Fuller abca
TP Tim Parsley abca
TR Trudie abca
ts hilander abca
vc Ananya
vr Vickie abpa, abpfa
W Woodsman abpa
XA FTA abpfsf, abd
zw zombywoof abpca
abca alt.binaries.clip-art
abd alt.binaries.dragons
all more than three groups
??? does not use a scanner ID
Any Additions, Corrections or questions send to
Any person wishing to use this on a website is welcome to use it. I only request that if you make changes or additions, please e-mail me with the changes.