Ok, so here's the deal. There ain't gonna be any forums for awhile (read: after this year's contest) - but once they are in place, we can use that as our primary means of communication instead of jacking up everyone's email accounts. The stuff on this page and most of the stuff the links on the left point to are fine for public consumption. Email addresses, note discussion, etc. need to be kept private. So, private forums good, just not up yet.
This year? You are thinking - where will the pictures be? Just like last year - it'll be covered point and click style, but private. Where are we talking on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nite?
#astrowolfpack is the channel
If you don't have an irc chat client go ahead and download it HERE. Feel free to read the install stuff, etc on that website as well. If you did it last year, you can do it again this year.
If we password that channel up, look to your email for the password to get in (thats *if* we do) Oh yeah, none of those links on the left work yet. Don't bother clicking. Unless you click the stuff on the bottom of the page. Those work.
And lastly, someone please tell me they watched and took notes on Spring Break Shark Attack?
-Prof. Fate |